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Congratulations to Cami Islas!

Thanks to everyone who joined the contest. Cami, you’ve been sent an email about your win and should be getting your prize in about a week!

In celebration of the opening of Spiritual Sexpert, (which I’m super excited about) and to continue with the season of giving, I’m holding a contest! Think of it as my coming out party.

The winner gets a Spiritual Sexpert Tote Bag, because you can never have too many bags, and tote bags are very green. I added the sassy tagline that reads: “I know Aphrodite’s Secret…Do you?”

The contest begins today and ends Sunday, January 17th. The winner will be chosen by random and be notified by email. See the cute bag below? Click on it to enlarge.

Spiritual Sexpert Tote

If you want to join the contest, this is all you have to do…


Date: Starting today and ending Sunday, January 17th.

Prize: Spiritual Sexpert Tote Bag

Criteria: All steps must be properly filled out below.

Step 1: Be an active subscriber to my Newsletter-1 point

Step 2: Follow me on Twitter (http://twitter.com/SpiritSexpert) then Twitter a link back to this contest -1 point

Step 3: Comment below and give a quick blurb on your most favorite and effective relaxation technique. (While we’re at it, let’s help each other out!) You get a DO follow back link to your blog. -1 point (The comment box automatically finds your last post.)

Bonus Step 4 (first 3 steps must be completed to qualify for this step): Write a blog on your site and link back to this contest -3 points

There you have it! I look forward to announcing the winner. Good luck!

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