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The benefits of reiki healing are tremendous. Reiki healing not only makes you feel relaxed and rejuvenated, but it can heal dis-ease as well. Reiki therapy is a mind, body, and spirit healing. It’s believed dis-ease is sometimes caused by emotional distress. The emotions and physical body are tied so if one needs healing, it affects the other.

The Long Term Benefits of Reiki Healing

Just as many seek regular chiropractic treatments, other enjoy regular Reiki therapy sessions. If you live a high stress life, you may benefit tremendously from seeing a reiki healing practitioner on a regular basis to balance your energies. If you manage your stress well, a single reiki therapy session may go a longer way. Of course, only positive comes out of a Reiki session and no harm can be done.

How Does Reiki Work?

I place my hands over the chakras, or energy centers in the body. We have seven major chakras from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Each correlates to a different physical body part, and emotion. For example, the second chakra correlates to the sexual energy as well as the reproductive organs.

I allow the universal life energy to flow through me into you. I don’t heal you. Your body takes the energy and heals itself.

What Does Reiki Feel Like?

As the practitioner, I feel tingling and warmth from my hands. The majority of my clients feel warmth wherever I place my hands. A few of them feel my hands pulsating as the energy is releasing. When I work with the third eye chakra, a few of them have seen wonderful colors as the energy is flowing. Many of them feel the flow of energy moving through their bodies and all of them feel relaxed!

How Much is a Reiki Healing Session?

My fee is $70 for an hour session. Each session I balance your chakras before the energy healing.

Where Do I Go?

I travel to your house for the Reiki session and these are the areas I’m available to go: Los Angeles, Inland Empire, and Orange County.

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Learn about Theta Healing

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Birthday numerology has been around since the time of cavemen! It was discovered early on that an order existed to life. Sound, color, location, compatibility between people can be calculated numerically.

Depending on your numerology report, some colors are best to wear depending on what you’re trying to accomplish. Before you move to another city, you may decide to figure out what numerology suggests about the best move. Even the vibration of sound has a perfect order and is calculated numerically.

Some relationships work better together while others experience more challenges. It’s found that successful relationships tend to express a number compatibility in their charts.

Name numerology calculates the numbers in your name to determine your career talents and how to best utilize your capabilities.

Your report also determines the impression you make on others. Knowing this allows you to choose the impression you want to give off depending on what you’re aiming to achieve.

Colors vibrate at different rates. Certain colors work well with you while others may have the opposite effect. If you wear red on a number 1 day, you’ll send out self-assertive vibes.

Days, months, and years are broken up as well. In the example of a new business, month 7 is the symbol for questioning and perfecting the idea in order to bring it to a major material result.

Numerology is a lot of fun and gives surprising insight! I suppose it isn’t so surprising since we know it’s been around since cavemen!

Order your name numerology report to find out:

Colors and Crystals
Find out which crystals and colors to wear when achieving different goals. To make a great first impression, you’ll need to wear a different crystal than when you’re relaxing at home.

Destiny Path
Learn what your destiny path has in store for you. You’ll learn who you are meant to become, why you came here, where to look for help, and when the timing is right.

We all have challenges in life, but by knowing what they are, you’ll be better equipped to deal with them.

Birthday Numerology Compatibility

For a numerology compatibility report (second form below) between you and a partner, you’ll learn the challenges you two will face. Information in the report gives you guidance about the best course of action. You’ll get this in addition to your personal numerology compatibility report.

To order your personal report for only $20, click on the Paypal button below then fill out this form. Note: A complete name is required for an accurate report. In the text box, enter your birth date.

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For a numerology compatibility report for only $30, click on the Paypal button below then fill out the form below. Note: Your full name and your partner’s full name is required for an accurate report. In the text box, enter your and your partner’s birth date and both names.

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Theta Healing is a supercharged meditation that’s able to change limiting beliefs. Throughout our lives, we’ve encountered negativity and ideas that have shaped our makeup. Many beliefs have guided us in a positive way, while others have impeded us from reaching our full potential.

Theta Healing taps into the subconscious mind and removes beliefs which are no longer suiting us and replaces them with healthier ones.

How does it work?

Together we discover where your limiting beliefs are through “digging.” Once we get to the core, I’m able to remove the belief and “download” a positive replacement.


Science has proven that the very act of “witnessing” something, makes it a reality. For example, light changes from wave to particle form depending on whether it’s being observed or not.

As a practitioner, I lower my brain waves to Theta and witness the change happening in the subconscious mind. Witnessing it makes it a reality.

Muscle Testing

When we say something that rings true, our muscles momentarily become stronger. When we say something false, our muscles momentarily weaken. We can use various muscle testing methods to determine your beliefs. It’s important to be hydrated to test properly.

What’s the Harm?

No harm can be done with Theta Healing. As with other forms of energy healing, you’re always in control. I can’t change anything in your mind that you don’t first accept. You may experience slight wooziness depending on how much work we did. Drinking water will be effective.

Theta Healing Works Absently

Because we are dealing with energy healing, Theta can be administered over the phone. My clients experience positive results either way.

What are the Fees?

$100 for first session lasting 90 minutes

$70 for each subsequent 60 hour session

In Person Sessions

I am able to travel to the following locations for an in person Theta Healing session: Los Angeles, Orange County, and Inland Empire.

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Heal the mind, body, and spirit with Reiki Healing

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Reiki Healing is a natural technique that heals the body, mind, and spirit. It’s a wonderful tool for relaxation, chakra balancing, stress relief, and rejuvenation. We’re all created of energy. A Reiki treatment focuses on the seven major energy centers of the body, known as chakras. As a practitioner, I become a conduit of this universal life force (energy) and direct the energy into your body. Your body takes the energy and heals itself.

What Can I Expect During a Reiki Session?
Many of my clients become so relaxed during a session that they fall asleep. Some of them feel a surge of energy traveling through their bodies. They describe it as “warmth” or a gentle “tingling” sensation.

At the start of the session, I balance your chakras to ensure they’re flowing healthily.

After the session, you may feel completely renewed!

How is Reiki Healing Administered?
Because Reiki therapy is a form of energy healing, it can be administered absently. You don’t have to be in the same room to experience Reiki, although your experience may feel more powerful if we do it in person.

I lay my hands over your chakra centers and allow the flow of energy to come through my hands into your body. You simply rest and take in the healing.

If you would like to replace a negative belief in your subconscious mind with a positive belief, we can record a positive mantra in your subconscious mind during the reiki therapy session.

How Much is a Treatment?

Reiki therapy treatments are $70 for a 60 minute session.

Locations to Travel

I’m able to travel to the following locations for a Reiki Healing session:
Los Angeles
Inland Empire
Orange County

Set up a Session
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Remove limiting beliefs with Theta Healing

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