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Workshops are a wonderful way to unite with others who share common interests. You can learn together and possibly make a life long friend. I found that before I began hosting and attending workshops, my group of friends didn’t share the same interests as me. They are still wonderful friends, but it’s refreshing to meet others following a similar path.

Moreover, learning something new with a group seems to create a better outcome than learning alone. During a workshop, you can learn from each other and share your personal experiences. It’s a very rewarding and fun time! Look below for the workshops I facilitate. I’m able to travel to these locations: Los Angeles, Orange County, and Inland Empire.

Goddess Workshop

Gather the girls and host a Goddess Workshop! It’s a party full of fun, laughter, and inspiration. We women are Divine beings with wonderful capabilities and potential. All it takes is you finding the Goddess within.
Read more about Goddess Workshop

Sexual Empowerment Party

Gather the girls and host a Sexual Empowerment Party! Have you ever been curious about going to an adult store? Want to incorporate toys into your sex life, but haven’t bought any? Host a party and I bring the toys to the privacy of your home. Change your sex life forever!
Read more about Sexual Empowerment Party

Manifesting Abundance Workshop

Manifesting abundance is a pleasure we all have the potential to experience. Many times, people discover difficulty manifesting certain things into their lives. With this workshop, you’ll discover proven techniques to manifest your desires and break through barriers which are holding you back.

Read more about the Manifesting Abundance Workshop

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