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Birthday numerology has been around since the time of cavemen! It was discovered early on that an order existed to life. Sound, color, location, compatibility between people can be calculated numerically.

Depending on your numerology report, some colors are best to wear depending on what you’re trying to accomplish. Before you move to another city, you may decide to figure out what numerology suggests about the best move. Even the vibration of sound has a perfect order and is calculated numerically.

Some relationships work better together while others experience more challenges. It’s found that successful relationships tend to express a number compatibility in their charts.

Name numerology calculates the numbers in your name to determine your career talents and how to best utilize your capabilities.

Your report also determines the impression you make on others. Knowing this allows you to choose the impression you want to give off depending on what you’re aiming to achieve.

Colors vibrate at different rates. Certain colors work well with you while others may have the opposite effect. If you wear red on a number 1 day, you’ll send out self-assertive vibes.

Days, months, and years are broken up as well. In the example of a new business, month 7 is the symbol for questioning and perfecting the idea in order to bring it to a major material result.

Numerology is a lot of fun and gives surprising insight! I suppose it isn’t so surprising since we know it’s been around since cavemen!

Order your name numerology report to find out:

Colors and Crystals
Find out which crystals and colors to wear when achieving different goals. To make a great first impression, you’ll need to wear a different crystal than when you’re relaxing at home.

Destiny Path
Learn what your destiny path has in store for you. You’ll learn who you are meant to become, why you came here, where to look for help, and when the timing is right.

We all have challenges in life, but by knowing what they are, you’ll be better equipped to deal with them.

Birthday Numerology Compatibility

For a numerology compatibility report (second form below) between you and a partner, you’ll learn the challenges you two will face. Information in the report gives you guidance about the best course of action. You’ll get this in addition to your personal numerology compatibility report.

To order your personal report for only $20, click on the Paypal button below then fill out this form. Note: A complete name is required for an accurate report. In the text box, enter your birth date.

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For a numerology compatibility report for only $30, click on the Paypal button below then fill out the form below. Note: Your full name and your partner’s full name is required for an accurate report. In the text box, enter your and your partner’s birth date and both names.

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I'm a Reiki Practitioner, Advanced Theta Healer, and Sexual Empowerment Coach. I facilitate Goddess Parties and Sexual Empowerment Parties. If you have limiting beliefs surrounding your sexuality, contact me and we can work through them.


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