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Couple In LoveAre you as close to your lover as you would like?

Does he emotionally open up to you?

Tantra is a great way to connect with your lover. It allows you to experience a wonderful spiritual connection while enjoying pleasure. If you feel you’re drifting apart, or if you’d like to emotionally bring your lover closer to you, tantra is the answer.

The lingam massage is a tantric technique that’s been practiced for years! It’s a sensual massage performed on the lingam, or the penis.

Lingam Massage

Lingam Massage

The purpose of the lingam massage is for the receiver to experience a loving sensual massage while making an emotional connection. While performing the massage, allow yourself to loosen up and let your hands guide you. Tell your lover to lay back, relax, and enjoy it. He should try to prolong the orgasm as long as he can.

I created an instructional video to show you exactly how to perform the lingam massage. I show you how to move your hands around his lingam with many wonderful techniques. If he’s close to an orgasm, I give you tricks to prolong it.

Instantly download the video for $2.50 now! You must be 18.

Here’s a couple statements from women who tried my techniques on their lovers:

“I tried your lingam massage techniques on my boyfriend and I think he fell deeper in love with me! It was such a special night for the both of us.”–Deborah”
“Your techniques work wonders. We were slipping apart, but after doing the lingam massage with the chakra meditation, my husband is much more caring. Just like he used to be.”–Yvonne”

You may combine the lingam massage with a chakra meditation. Use oil and massage it into his body. Then place your hands over each chakra one at a time beginning with his root chakra. Hold your hand on each chakra for about a minute.

In your mind’s eye, direct the energy to his root chakra. If you want him to open up emotionally, hold your hand over his heart chakra as you direct the energy there.

Here’s a few quick examples of what you’ll you’ll learn in the video:

lingam massage Focus on the perineum, or the root chakra. Rub your fingers in a circular motion here, while you’re massaging the lingam.

lingam massage One at a time, guide your hands up his lingam. At the top, twist your hands over the head of the penis. Then reverse the motion and bring your hands down one at a time. On the way down, squeeze your hands tighter and release at the base.

Due to the nature of the video, you must be 18 to view! To curtail younger viewers, and ensure only women really interested in learning will watch this video, there’s a small fee of $2.50 to download. You’ll learn many sensual techniques to give him the best night and bring him closer to you.

Instantly download the video for $2.50 now!

After you make the purchase, you will be taken to the video where it will automatically download. Your internet connection speed will determine how long it takes to play.

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What’s the difference between a tantric orgasm and a regular orgasm?

Not much. An orgasm is an orgasm is an orgasm. But, a tantric orgasm allows you to experience one without direct stimulation of your genitals.

How so?

First let’s begin with the kegel muscles.

Before I begin let me tell you about this full tantric course by Kerry & Diane Riley. For a thorough course, this is a must! You’ll really enhance your sex life.

Kegel Exercises

Your kegel muscles are used to stop the flow of urine. Try contracting the muslces now. Focus your attention on your vaginal muscles. Don’t tighten your abs. You might feel your anus tighten as well, but try to focus mainly on tightening your vagina.

If you’re having trouble with this technique, practice stopping the flow of urine.

Once you find your kegel muscles, it’s a good habit to practice kegel exercises every day. Tighten then release your muscles about 20 times. Then tighten and release your muscles in a faster pulsating action about 20 more times. Some people recommend you do this 100 times a day. If you become sore, ease up your routine.

Benefits of Kegel Exercises

Regular exercised can help or eliminate incontinence, constipation, inability to orgasm or infertility.

Tantric Orgasm

Now that you’ve discovered your kegel muscles, it’s time to have an orgasm!

Sit with your legs crossed or lie down if you’re more comfortable. Begin by pulsating your kegels and focus on the physical sensations. These are the same muscles that contract during climax.

Imagine energy building in your genitals. Enjoy the warmth and tingling sensations that are generating. Be relaxed, but also concentrate.

Let loose and fantasize about something erotic. Allow yourself to give in to the sexual energy you’re creating.

As you develop your kegel muscles and allow yourself to let loose, you’ll experience an orgasm without touch!

If you prefer to watch a DVD and learn more about tantra, get Diane and Kerry’s Tantra DVD Course. If you buy now, they’ll throw in a few bonuses.

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