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Healing Services

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Our bodies and minds are regularly working towards maintaining balance. Healing services in many cases are a necessity in maintaining that equilibrium we need. Meditation and relaxation should be a regular practice, but if you don’t have time, it’s healthy to see a healing practitioner to help bring you into alignment.

Healing services can range from different forms of energy healing including Reiki and Theta, to a more subtle approach like acupuncture or accupressure. The outcome with alternative healing modalities are usually a mind, body, and spiritual healing.

Look below at a few of the healing services I offer.

Reiki Healing

Reiki Healing is a natural technique that heals the body, mind, and spirit. It’s a wonderful tool for relaxation, chakra balancing, stress relief, and rejuvenation. We’re all created of energy. A Reiki treatment focuses on the seven major energy centers of the body, known as chakras. As a practitioner, I become a conduit of this universal life force (energy) and direct the energy into your body. Your body takes the energy and heals itself.

Read more about Reiki Healing

Theta Healing

Theta Healing is a supercharged meditation that’s able to change limiting beliefs. Throughout our lives, we’ve encountered negativity and ideas that have shaped our makeup. Many beliefs have guided us in a positive way, while others have impeded us from reaching our full potential.

Theta Healing taps into the subconscious mind and removes beliefs which are no longer suiting us and replaces them with healthier ones.

Read more about Theta Healing

Birthday Numerology

Birthday numerology has been around since the time of cavemen! It was discovered early on that an order existed to life. Sound, color, location, compatibility between people can be calculated numerically.

Depending on your numerology report, some colors are best to wear depending on what you’re trying to accomplish. Before you move to another city, you may decide to figure out what numerology suggests about the best move.

Read more about Birthday Numerology

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