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Imagine if you had all the prosperity you could ask for! Good health, material prosperity, an abundance of friends and family, and spiritual prosperity. Life would be pretty good, right?

There’s a reason Goddess Lakshmi is one of the most popular and revered goddesses of Hinduism. She is the goddess of prosperity! She’s depicted as sitting on a lotus flower as she blesses you with your joyous and abundant life.

Merchants in India often keep a small statue of her near their cash registers to bring them financial wealth. She is often connected with God Ganesh, the elephant-headed Hindu god, which removes obstacles from your path.

She can remove your sorrows and bestow enjoyment, liberation, and prosperity into your life. So what are you waiting for? Connect with Goddess Lakshmi!

I create specialty goddess kits designed for you to connect with the goddess of your choice. Each kit is unique because it uses fragrances, colors, and meditations specific for the goddess to give you the best results. Scroll to the bottom of this page to see what’s inside this one.

Manifesting Abundance

If there’s one secret you should know, it’s that the world is abundant and you can have what you desire. Just look at the successful people in this world. What makes them so special? Why are they so different? The only difference is they know how to tap into their creative energy and accept what the universe offers them.

Do you know how to tap into the abundant creative energy? For a little guidance and blessing, call on Goddess Lakshmi. Think about what it is you want. Imagine yourself living a comfortable life with everything you need. You have the nice car, beautiful house, full bank account, and all the nice things you want. How does it feel? Allow yourself to feel the emotions you would have if you had everything you wanted. Then ask Goddess Lakshmi to bless it and make that image a reality.

Another tips for manifesting abundance is to pretend you already have what it is you want. Trick your mind into believing you have it all, then allow the universe to bring it into your reality.

Crown Chakra

Your crown chakra is your spiritual connection. It’s at the top of your head and glows white. When you keep your crown chakra connected straight up to the universal life force, your intuition is heightened and you’ll see faster results when manifesting. The symbol of the crown chakra is also a lotus flower, which is what Goddess Lakshmi is seen sitting ontop. See the connection?

What does your connection to the Universe have to do with prosperity? The creative universe is where abundance comes from. It’s there for the taking. So the closer you are to it, the stronger the results. Think about this. Wouldn’t you rather be best friends with the most generous person on earth rather than the most stingy? So make friends with the Universe!

Lakshmi Goddess Kit

I prepare kits specially designed for each Goddess. You’ll find everything you need to really connect with the goddess of choice. In this Goddess Lakshmi kit, you’ll receive:

  • White Votive Candle
    White is the color of the crown chakra and you should light this during your meditation.
  • Clear Quartz
    Clear quartz is tied to your crown chakra. You may keep this stone with you always in a pouch or as a pendant. You may find the stone ready made for a pendant, or perhaps a necklace pouch to place it in. I send you a cleansed quartz stone to wear during the meditation. It is still recommended you cleanse this stone when you get it home.
  • Lotus Essential Oil. Wear it to connect with her and rub some along the candle during your meditation.
  • Sandalwood Incense
    Light sandalwood incense during your meditation.
  • Mantra
    I designed a Goddess Lakshmi mantra to repeat whenever you feel like you’re lacking love in your life. I also show you how to create your own mantras to take charge of your life.
  • Meditation
  • Finally, you’ll receive a Lakshmi meditation.

    The best way to put it together is by lighting the candle and incense. Hold the quartz in your right hand and follow the meditation. Use the mantra as often as you need. It’s a good idea to repeat the mantra three times after the meditation.

    Get the Goddess Kit for only $23

Kwan Yin

Goddess Athena

Goddess Isis

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Want to develop intuition? Wouldn’t it be great to be in tuned with the Universe and have life flow easily and effortlessly? With Goddess Isis, this is possible.

She is known as the goddess of psychic powers and divination. Call her to guide and help you during cast spelling or when developing psychic abilities.

She was always revered, but her popularity grew during the rise of imperial Greece and later during the expansion of the Roman Empire. It was during that time that she was married to god Osiris and they became the most popular gods during that religious movement.

Myth of Goddess Isis

The myth of Isis is fascinating. Her husband, Osiris, was killed by his brother, Set. Set tricked Osiris into getting into a coffin then threw him into the Nile River. Isis found the body of her husband, but Set took it back and cut it into many pieces and scattered it over the land.

Poor Isis gathered all the pieces and put it back together except for the phallus which had been eaten by a crocodile. Using magick, she created a new phallus for him and brought her husband back to life. (Even back then the phallus was a very important piece of equipment for men!) She mated with him and became pregnant with a baby which she gave birth to in a manger.

When her son, Horus, was old enough he fought Set and won. She, her son, and husband became redeemers of the Universe.

Develop Intuition

You’re intuitive by nature, but you may need to strengthen your skills. For different reasons, many people aren’t as intuitive as they could be. Perhaps your parents spoke against psychic powers so you suppressed your abilities. For whatever reason, it’ll take work to develop your psychic powers.

I create individual goddess kits for you because I want to make it easy for you to get in touch with with her energies. Scroll down to see what’s inside this one.

    Some quick tips for developing your intuition include:

  • Use a deck of cards and guess which card is next. Keep them face down and use your intuition to get a sense of which card is the top card.
  • Listen to that gut feeling. A twinge of doubt may be your intuition telling you to be on guard.
  • Meditate with the help of Goddess Isis. Regular meditation keeps you connected to the Universal life force. Once connected, you’ll receive the messages you need. The Goddess Kit is an excellent enhancement to your meditation.
  • Keep a blank mind. Don’t keep such a cluttered mind because intuitive messages won’t have a chance to enter.

Third Eye

The third eye is the center of intuition and thus, relates to Goddess Isis. I learned from The Barefoot Doctor about seeing the world through the Crystal Palace which is where the third eye originates. If you move your head forward and back, feel the area where the base of the head and spine meet. This is the crystal palace. Another way to find it is to place your tongue at the roof of your mouth and imagine a vertical line going up. Then imagine a horizontal line connecting your ears. The imaginary point where the two lines intersect is the center of the brain, or the Crystal Palace.

Place your focus here when you want to tap into your intuition.

Of course it’s best to keep all chakras fully balanced beginning with strengthening the root chakra at the base of the spine.

I prepare kits specially designed for each Goddess. You’ll find everything you need to really connect with the goddess of choice. In this Isis Goddess kit, you’ll receive:

  • Blue Votive Candle
    Blue is the color of Goddess Isis. Light this during your meditation.
  • Lapis
    Lapis is Isis’ stone. You may keep this stone with you always in a pouch or as a pendant. You may find the stone ready made for a pendant, or perhaps a necklace pouch to place it in. I send you a cleansed lapis stone to wear during the meditation. It is still recommended you cleanse this stone when you get it home.
  • Jasmine Essential Oil to wear whenever you want to connect to her. Use it during your meditation by rubbing some along the rim of the candle.
  • Jasmine Incense
    Light Jasmine incense during your meditation. This is her scent.
  • Mantra
    I designed a Goddess Isis mantra to repeat whenever you feel like you’re lacking love in your life. I also show you how to create your own mantras to take charge of your life.
  • Meditation
    Finally, you’ll receive an Isis meditation.

The best way to put it together is by lighting the candle and incense. Hold the lapis in your right hand and follow the meditation. Use the mantra as often as you need. It’s a good idea to repeat the mantra three times after the meditation.

Get the Goddess Kit for only $23

Look over these articles

Goddess Gaia

Goddess Aphrodite

Goddess Athena

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Imagine how easy it would be to get along with your friends and co-workers by using effective communication.

Goddess Athena is the one to call upon when you’re in a situation that calls for assertiveness, more confidence, and wisdom to handle what’s in front of you. She ties to the throat chakra which relates to speaking your truth. If your throat chakra is blocked, you may have difficulty speaking out and defending yourself.

For example, do you take a backseat to everything your partner says? Do you speak up at work?

Goddess Athena is also the one to guide you during studies, career development, or when you the situation calls for your leadership skills.

I create specially designed Goddess Kits so you can connect with her energy. To see what’s inside Athena’s kit, scroll to the bottom.


Athena was born from her father, Zeus,’ head as a fully grown woman. He had a horrible headache and asked Prometheus to split open his head to relieve the pressure. Then she was born.

She, Hestia, and Artemis are the three virgin goddesses of Olympus. She was one of the most powerful deities and had great influence and leadership in areas including: war and peace, arts, literature, civilization, and cities. Craftsmen and artisans saw her as their teacher. She was the teacher to women of ancient Greece in areas including: cooking, weaving, and spinning. Although she is the goddess of warfare, she prefers to mediate and keep peace.

She’s most commonly known as the Goddess of wisdom and intelligence, making this the greatest gift we can receive from her. After all, wisdom and knowledge is power!

Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is tied to your ability to speak your truth. It also reflects your communication skills, leadership, and assertiveness. Speaking your mind and expressing yourself through speech is important in keeping a healthy throat chakra. Athena was a leader and teacher. If you find yourself holding back your emotions or thoughts, call on Athena for guidance. She’s one of the greatest teachers and you can learn a lot from her.


If you’re in a leadership position or need to tap into those skills, Athena is the goddess to emulate. As a leader, you need a certain level of assertiveness, decisiveness, and respect. Before you lead a group of people, call on the energy and wisdom of Athena. Ask her to give you the intelligence and power you need to succeed.

Goddess Athena will also help you when you’re in a position to teach others whether it’s school students or anyone looking for your knowledge and experience.

Goddess Athena Kit

I prepare kits specially designed for each Goddess. You’ll find everything you need to really connect with the goddess of choice. In this Athena Goddess Kit, you’ll receive:

  • Lavender Essential Oil to wear to connect with Athena. Use it during your meditation by rubbing the oil along the rim of the candle.
  • White Votive Candle
    White is the color of Athena. Light this during your meditation.
  • Hematite
    This is Athena’s stone. Wear this whenever you need a boost of confidence and strength. Keep this stone in a pouch or you may find one that’s designed to be worn as a pendant. I send you a cleansed hematite stone to use during the meditation. It is still recommended you cleanse this stone when you get it home.
  • Lavender Incense
    Light the lavender incense during your meditation. Lavender is Athena’s scent.
  • Mantra
    I designed an Athena mantra to repeat whenever you feel like the need to be assertive and speak your truth. I also show you how to create your own mantras to take charge of your life.
  • Meditation
  • Finally, you’ll receive an Athena meditation.

The best way to put it together is by lighting the candle and incense. Hold the hematite in your right hand and follow the meditation. Use the mantra as often as you need. It’s a good idea to repeat the mantra three times after the meditation.

Get the Goddess Kit for only $23

Look over these articles

Kwan Yin
Aphrodite Goddess

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What is one of the most important things you can do for yourself?

Do you love yourself as much as you could? If not, Kwan Yin is the Goddess to call upon.

Just think of how well you treat the things or people you love. Do you love yourself and treat yourself as well, if not better?

Imagine what would happen if you bent over backwards and exerted yourself for your family, romantic relationships, kids, pets…etc., while neglecting your needs? You would eventually collapse and may even feel resentful.

Love yourself first and treat yourself the best you can because if you’re not taking the care of yourself, then who else will?

Answer these questions:

  1. I do something nice for myself everyday.
  2. I treat my body with the care it deserves.
  3. I listen to my body’s needs.
  4. I believe in myself.
  5. I have the confidence to accomplish whatever I want or desire.

How did you do? Doing something nice can be something as simple as eating a healthy meal, to wearing something that makes you feel sexy. Many women tend to do more for the ones they love than for themselves. It’s okay to say yes to yourself. Meditate, do yoga, do some self reflection. Use Kwan Yin’s Goddess Kit and set some time out for yourself.

Scroll below for information on the Kwan Yin Goddess Kit.

Kwan Yin

She is a compassionate, loving Goddess and I correlate her with the heart chakra. Use meditation to connect with her. Call on her when you’re in need of real love and compassion. Use your intuition to feel her and gather strength when you need it.

Kwan Yin is one of the most popular goddesses in Asia and one of the most widely worshipped goddesses on the planet, called by different names. She is said to have once been a human woman named Myoin, then was transformed and given her new name, Kwan Yin.

She was also called the goddess with a thousand eyes and thousand arms which embraces the Earth.

She’s most commonly seen as a beautiful woman with black hair carrying a vase or lotus flower.

Learn compassion and love from her.

Heart Chakra

Here lies your love and compassion. It’s stored in your heart chakra. When your heart chakra is out of balance, your emotions are erratic. You’ll either be a “yes” person or be the complete opposite and have no desire to help out another. Neither way is where you want to be.

You want to feel a healthy medium between doing good for yourself and doing good for others. Write a quick checklist. One column is for the nice things you do for yourself while the other is to jot down the things you do for your family, friends or spouse. Which list ranks higher?

Compassion Meditation

Do this fabulous meditation for generating feelings of compassion. Sit with eyes closed. Bring your attention to your heart chakra. Feel this area becoming bright with a beautiful loving pink glow. Then see this pink light spread out from your body then filling the room you’re in. Watch this light fill your street, then your city, then your state. See this light fill the country, then spreading all over the Earth. Sit here for a bit while feeling these loving feelings. Not only are you doing good for yourself, but you’re helping to spread feelings of peace and love to the Universe.

When you’re finished, watch the light come back into your heart.

Looking for love

If you’re looking for love, look no further than inside you. Every emotion you can possibly have is stored within you. Think about this. Why is it that one day your friend can say something to you that greatly offends you, but she may say the same thing another day and you shrug it off? Her words were the same. It’s you took offense to words.

So if you can create the emotion of anger, you can create the emotion of love. Why not work on always creating the latter?

Furthermore, when you’re feeling love inside you, you’ll attract it in the outer world. Like attracts like.

I prepare kits specially designed for each Goddess. You’ll find everything you need to really connect with the goddess of choice. In this Kwan Yin Goddess kit, you’ll receive:

  • White Votive Candle
    White is the color of Kwan Yin. Light this during your meditation.
  • Rose Quartz
    This stone correlates with the heart chakra. You may wear this stone regularly on a pendant so it’s near the heart chakra. I send you a cleansed Rose Quartz stone to wear during the meditation. It is still recommended you cleanse this stone when you get it home.
  • Amber Essential Oil to wear to connect to her. Also use it during the meditation by rubbing it along the rim of the candle.
  • Amber Incense
    Light Amber incense during your meditation. Incense is lit during a meditation to promote the air element. Kwan Yin is represented by this element which makes this combination perfect.
  • Mantra
    I designed a Kwan Yin mantra to repeat whenever you feel like you’re lacking love in your life. I also show you how to create your own mantras to take charge of your life.
  • Meditation
  • Finally, you’ll receive a Kwan Yin meditation.

The best way to put it together is by lighting the candle and incense. Hold the rose quartz in your right hand and follow the meditation. Use the mantra as often as you need. It’s a good idea to repeat the mantra three times after the meditation.

Get the Goddess Kit for only $23

Look over these articles

Goddess Gaia
Aphrodite Goddess

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Do you have body confidence or a high level of personal power? Are you manifesting abundance and other things you desire? If not, Sekhmet is the Goddess to call upon! I create Goddess kits so you can connect with Her energy. Scroll to the bottom of this page to see what’s included in this one.

Sekhmet is an Egyptian goddess depicted as having a beautiful body and head of a lion. Her name means “the powerful one.”

One myth tells the story of how she almost destroyed all of humanity. The Gods were unhappy with the chaos the humans were creating, especially when the humans began plotting against the Gods. It was now time for the humans to be punished.

Sekhmet was called and she slaughtered many humans and drank their blood. She was so powerful the Gods couldn’t stop her. They managed to quell her by tricking her into drinking red-dyed beer they spilled over the lands. She became so drunk her fury was over.

Personal Power

Personal power is important because it gives you the self confidence you need to take charge of your life. Call on Sekhmet if you want spiritual, political, work, or sexual power.

Do you have a voice in your relationships? Are you invisible in your workplace? Do you have sexual empowerment? You may feel more confident in some areas than others. Think of Oprah. She’s all over the news because she’s back weighing 200lbs. She has a lot of social and political power, but she lacks control over her body.

Think about the area in your life which you could use a boost of power. Why are you lacking confidence? What are your fears? What’s holding you back from achieving success?

Then do a little digging. This is a method I use during Theta Healing to get to the root of a problem. Here is an example I’ll use when dealing with work related concerns. Ask yourself this question, “What is the worst thing that would happen if I spoke up in my work?” Then answer it.

Let’ say you answered, “My angry boss would insult me or undermine what I say.”

Then ask yourself, “What is the worst thing that would happen if my boss insults me?” Then answer that question. Continue digging until you get to the real root of the problem. Maybe you’ll discover that you don’t feel worthy or important.

To continue with this example, let’s say you did discover you feel unimportant. Time to erase that limiting belief. Sekhmet has the power of a lioness and because you have the energies of the Goddess inside you, you too have the power of a lioness.

How do you imagine a powerful and confident woman to behave? How do you imagine the powerful Goddess Sekhmet to be? Emulate her. It’s just like the adage, fake it until you make it. That’s what you’ve got to do.

Body Confidence

How do you feel about your body? Do you eat well and exercise regularly? Do you honor and appreciate your body? Do you love your body? The last one is key! If you love yourself you’ll treat yourself well. Think about how you treat the one you love. Hopefully you treat that person well. It’s too bad that many people treat others better than they treat themselves! Starting today, do something good for yourself. Paint your toes. Meditate. Eat a well-balanced mean. Go for a walk. Paint something!

Solar Plexus

All the chakras are important when it comes to taking full control of your body. Sekhmet is tied to the solar plexus because this energy center is tied to your level of confidence and power.

Balance this chakra by using a visualization meditation. Imagine the energy of the earth coming up through the bottom of your feet into you root chakra, which is located at the base of the spine. Then watch it travel up your sacral chakra, to your solar plexus, which is located in your belly center. Then imagine the clean Earth energy cleansing this chakra. See negative energy releasing and leaving your body until you feel a brilliant yellow glow.

Manifesting Abundance

A powerful woman doesn’t doubt her abilities. She knows she can have what she desires. If you want to manifest abundance, believe you can, have the confidence to take the first steps and follow through. I may sound like a catch-22, but it’s really not.

Right now, think of something you want. Write down the steps it would take to accomplish. Now, do step one. Then do step two and so on. Whenever a glimmer of doubt enters your head, stop it! Then continue with the positive thoughts. It takes practice, but worth the effort. Before you know it, you’ll accomplish all the steps. With each step crossed off your list is an extra notch of confidence.

Sekhmet Goddess Kit

Each goddess has different scents, stones, and colors that are best when connecting with Her.

  • Frankincense
    This is her scent. In the Goddess Kit, I’ve included frankincense incense to light during your meditation. Incense has always been used during spells and rituals. It adds more power to the ritual or meditation because you’re using the air element. As the scent of frankincense surrounds you, feel Sekhmet’s power filling you.
  • Bloodstone
    Hold this stone in your hand or place it on your altar as you meditate. Bloodstone is the symbol of justice and the Greeks believed it brought change. It’s no wonder this is her stone! Today is the day you’re making a change for the better!
  • Frankincense Essential Oil to wear whenever you want to connect with her. Use it also during your meditation by rubbing some oil along the rim of the candle.
  • Sekhmet Mantra
    I’ve included a mantra to repeat to replace any negative self doubt with a positive image of yourself. I also give you suggestions for creating mantras for different areas of your life.
  • Energy Charged Red Votive Candle
    Light this candle as you go through your Sekhmet meditation. Red and gold is the color of Sekhmet.
  • Sekhmet Meditation
    I specially designed a meditation for you to connect with her energy and feel her power within you.

The best way to put this all together is to light the incense, candle, hold the bloodstone in your hand and follow the meditation. When you’ve completed the meditation, you may repeat the mantra three times. Put this mantra on your mirror where you can remember to repeat it daily. It’s believed it takes 21 days to make a complete change.

Get this entire Goddess Kit for $23

Read these other articles

Goddess Gaia
Aphrodite Goddess
Goddess Within

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