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Do you feel connected to the universe and the world around you? Do you get guidance from your higher self when you ask?

The crown chakra is your key to the realms beyond the physical universe. When I do Theta Healing I take my energy out from my crown chakra and connect with the universal life force. When you’re fully grounded, you should imagine a white light entering your crown charka and running down your body through your root chakra into the center of the earth.

Your crown chakra is your connection to the universal sources of energy and information. When ideas pop into your head out of no where, chances are they came from your higher self or possibly the collective unconscious. If you’re not receiving much feedback, it’s time to unclog the top chakra. Basically the crown chakra allows you to live harmoniously with the universe.

Balancing the Crown Chakra

Meditate to get an answer in your life. Your answer may not come the first night. Sit and make sure you’re free from distractions. Pose a question, and wait for something to come to you. You may get an image, words, a thought, or an idea. If it seems like you’re daydreaming, you probably are. Just allow the thoughts to float into your head and witness them one by one.

Step outside yourself. This is similar to the meditation exercise, but using a slight variation. Pose a question then watch yourself step above your body through your crown chakra. Keep the question in mind, then allow your floating self to answer it spontaneously.

Goddess Lakshmi

Goddess Lakshmi is not only tied to the crown chakra, but she can bring you wealth and prosperity! She’s depicted as sitting on a lotus flower and the crown chakra is represented by the lotus as well. I create specially designed goddess kits for each goddess you’re intending to connect with. Check out Goddess Lakshmi’s Kit.


Balance crown chakra

The downward dog helps to balance the energy from the feet to the crown.

Begin by getting on all fours. Make sure your hands are aligned perfectly with your shoulders and keep your fingers stretched.

Breathe in, lift your pelvis, straighten your legs, and keep your head low.

Breathe normally while you’re in this posture, but try to maintain your feet flat on the ground.

When you’re ready to release from this position, breath out, then lower yourself back on all fours.

Colors, Scents, and Crystals

You can use violet, gold or white to represent the crown chakra. I like to imagine white energy when I’m clearing out my crown. Use clear quartz or amethyst when performing crystal healing. Place the stone on the top of your head and allow yourself to absorb the healing energies.

Amethyst is also a great stone for your third eye.

Lotus Use natural essential oils whenever you feel you need to balance that chakra. Look over my selection!

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How’s your insight or intuition? Can you see things beyond your five senses?

By developing the third eye, you’ll see beyond the obvious and gain access to the intuitive and clairvoyant world. But I’ll relay information an acupuncturist told me: you have to develop from the bottom up. Maintain a strong base chakra for grounding. If not, she said, you’ll go crazy. Now, I don’t know how much truth there is to the last part, but why risk it.

The third eye, or sixth chakra, is located in the space above where your eyebrows meet. The third eye actually originates in the center of the brain. In Tao, they call this area The Crystal Palace.

Developing Clairvoyance

Practice your clairvoyant skills daily. Try psychometry which is the ability to get impressions from objects. Practice with objects from different people and of different places. Ask a friend to borrow a piece of jewelry.

Hold the object in your hand and feel what impressions you get from it. Don’t worry about getting it right or wrong. Just do it for fun. You may also place the object on your third eye.

Goddess Isis

Use my goddess meditation kit to connect with Goddess Isis. She’s the goddess you need to develop and balance your third eye. She’ll help you become more intuitive and insightful.

Crystal Healing

The brown chakra is represented by violet or indigo. Amethyst is the perfect stone. Rest it on your third eye then imagine the healing energies entering your chakra. Wear it regularly whenever you feel you need balancing.

Scents are very powerful and Jasmine brings balance to this chakra. Thankfully, here you can get a bottle of Jasmine Essential Oil!

Fish Pose

This pose is great to focus your energy on your brow chakra. You have two variations. The picture below requires you to outstretch your legs. The other variation allows you to kneel on the ground and rest your buttocks on the back of your legs. I’ll describe the pose as indicated by the picture below.

Picture from It's Your Yoga

Picture from It's Your Yoga

After you sit on the ground and outstretch your legs, place the palms of your hands under your hips and bend your elbows behind you.

Lean back on your elbows and breathe in.

Then breathe out while leaning farther back while supporting yourself on your arms. Allow your head drop back and arch your back slightly. Breathe normally and focus on your third chakra. If you’re able, touch your head to the ground.

When you’re ready to come out of this position, allow your elbows to slide down and lower yourself to a lying position. Then roll to your side and sit up.

Now that you’re balanced, what will you do?

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Do you have an easy time communicating with others and expressing your emotions?

Do you speak up when you have something to say?

An imbalanced throat chakra means you’re not expressing what’s going on inside your heart. I don’t mean to start on an honesty quest and tell every single person you know just what you think of him or her! Instead, express yourself in a healthy way. If someone hurts you, let your voice be heard.

Expression also includes creativity. Sing, write, or perform. All of these are healthy expressions of the throat chakra.

Body Parts Ruled By the Throat Chakra

Accordingly, the throat and neck is ruled by this chakra as well as the thyroid. When I hold my emotions in, almost immediately my throat gets sore. This also happens when I’m stressed then I realize that I wasn’t speaking up for myself.

Balancing the Throat Chakra

Chanting and mantra meditations release throat problems. The natural sound the completely relaxed chakra makes is “AAAH”. Take a deep breath and chant this sound for as long as possible. Begin chanting loudly then continue softly until the sound is only in the mind.
Release Past Hurts
Remove blocks from the throat by tracing back feelings of past hurts that you may not have expressed. Write those emotions down on paper, then symbolically burn them away.

Camel Pose

The camel pose in yoga is great for balancing the throat chakra by encouraging good blood suply to the neck and keeping the energy moving.

Picture from About.com

Picture from About.com

Sit on yor heels on top of a blanket or mat. Clasp your hands behind you.

Inhale. With the exhale, allow your head to drop back and at the same time raise your arms a little behind you.

When you’re ready to release, let go of your hands and onthe outbreath bring yourself back to sitting posture.

Repeat this three times.

Goddess Athena

She can help you bring balance to your throat chakra. I create specially designed goddess kits for better results when connecting with the goddess of your choice. Check out goddess athena’s kit.

Colors, Stones, Scents

The throat chakra is represented by the color blue. Perfect stones to use are any blue ones like Aquamarine, Lapis, or Blue Opal. Place the stone of your choice on your throat and imagine yourself absorbing the healing energies of the stone.

Frankincense is the scent of this chakra. I like to wear essential oils for whatever chakra I’m bringing balance to. I recommend frankincense natural essential oil and dab a few drops on your throat.

There you have it! Tools you need to balance your throat chakra!

Read about the Sacral Chakra

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Do you feel enough love in your life?

Do you feel depressed or unhappy?

Are you a compassionate person?

If you answered: “Yes,” “No,” “Of course!” Things are looking good with your heart chakra! If your answers were more like: “Not really,” “Yes,” “Not so much.” There’s some work to be done.

Your heart chakra is where love and compassion are centered. It’s your fourth chakra and it bridges of all your other chakras.

Your three chakras below the heart are related to the Earth while the three above the heart are related to the spiritual world.

Awakening Compassion

A nice meditation to practice to feel compassion is to see the world through the heart. It’s very powerful and instantly lifts the spirit. Imagine your head doesn’t exist. Place your focus on your heart instead. I’ve done this meditation while I’ve been stuck in traffic and it’s amazing at how quickly my frustration disappears. It took me trying it a couple of times until I felt the difference.

Practice it tonight. Sit in a quiet place, close your eyes, and focus on your heart. Maybe you’ll feel a softening in your mood or possibly sadness leaving your body.

Then to end your meditation, send love and light to anybody or everybody you know. Send some loving light to the entire world! I thank you in advance if you decide to do this :)

Heal the Heart Chakra

The heart is probably one of the most wounded areas. (Other than toes. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve stubbed my toes!) Healing the heart chakra may be one of the top desires for most people. Depending on the situation or problem, you may be experiencing many levels of pain. It’s going to take these five things to heal the heart chakra:

  1. Time

    Healing takes time. There’s no definite timeline, of course, since everybody is different. The amount of work you put into it determines the results. You may have a few layers that need uncovering. You don’t know until you begin digging. Faster results are possible through hypnosis or theta healing.
  2. Forgiveness

    A lot of time we hold anger, resentment, fear, or guilt in our hearts. Forgiveness means letting go. Whether you’re holding resentment against yourself or another, it’s time to release it to begin healing.
  3. Awareness

    Healing requires you to look within and to become aware of your feelings and thoughts. What are you healing? Is it a recent death, break-up, or abuse? If you’re not quite sure where the pain is coming from, do a little meditation. Close your eyes and place your focus on your heart chakra. What thoughts arise? What feelings arise? You may discover things you had no idea existed.
  4. Acceptance

    Accept healing. Be open to receiving love and definitely be open to loving yourself! Many times people are used to being depressed and don’t know how to feel happiness. As a result, they don’t really work on making the change or they fear change. In order to heal the heart, you’re going to have to want to and accept the changes as they come.
  5. Love Yourself

    Sounds contradictory, right? It’s really not. Use mantras to affirm that you love yourself. Visualize healing loving light coming down from the universe and entering through your crown chakra. watch it fill up your heart chakra and feel the love. Ask the universe to know what it feels like to love yourself. Think of this analogy. How does a dark room get filled with light? It takes light entering the room in order to remove the darkness. That’s what you’re doing. You’re removing the darkness by adding love.

Kwan Yin

Kwan Yin is the Goddess of Love and Compassion. Meditate to her so she could help clear the way for healing and love to enter your life. Learn more about Kwan Yin and the meditation kit I made specifically for her. With the tools in the kit, expect better results during your meditation.

Heart Chakra

Let’s look over the stats of the fourth chakra:

  • Rose Quartz

    Rose Quartz or Emerald are fantastic stones to wear when dealing with matters of the heart. I wear rose quartz as a pendant, but wearing bracelets or simply carrying them in pouches near you is just as effective.
  • Rose Oil

    Wear Rose oil to bring balance to your heart chakra.
  • Pink or Green

    Notice a theme here? Pink and green are colors of the heart chakra. Wear these colors whenever you need to feel some love. Imagine yourself surrounded by a pink blanket. Feel yourself absorbing the energy.

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How’s your intuition? Do you have plenty of personal power? Are you digesting food properly?

The last question sounds out of place, but all of these traits are tied to your solar plexus.

Your solar plexus is your third chakra and is located between your ribcage and navel. The sound associated with it is “MA.”

Ties to the Third Chakra

Digestion, nervous system and the immune system are related to the third chakra. The organs it affects is the gallbladder, pancreas, duodenum, liver, and small intestine. This chakra is put under a lot of pressure these days because of our diets. In order for the digestive system to work properly, we must eat a well balanced diet. Because the physical and emotional bodies are tied, one affects the other. When we continue to eat poorly, we’re affecting the energetic level of the solar plexus as well.

Personal Power

Your sense of self originates in the solar plexus. Your confidence, the way you perceive yourself and others depends on the health of the solar plexus. For example, if you feel inferior or superior to others, the third chakra isn’t balanced. If you were constantly around authoritative figures who made you feel dumb, clumsy, or worthless, then your relationship with the world will reflect this and your level of personal power won’t be as strong as it could be.

Goddess Sekhmet

With the guidance of Goddess Sekhmet, you can work on balancing your solar plexus. With scents, candles, and oils, you can do a Sekhmet goddess meditation and get in touch with her. Sekhmet correlates to the this chakra and she’ll help you work on personal power. Learn more about Goddess Sekhmet and the meditation kit.


The solar plexus is often called the “Wisdom Body” because here is where intuitive intelligence is stored. I read in a book that when Japanese kids are asked where thinking comes from, they point to their bellies. The Western world points to their heads. That “gut feeling” comes from your solar plexus. When this chakra is in balance, you’ll be more aware of nudges received from your gut. And when your gut talks, and you listen, life is good.

Emotional Imbalance

When the solar plexus is balanced, you experience happiness in the simplest forms. You wander through life as one happy earthling! The sun is a symbol of the solar plexus. A good meditation is to visualize the healing and loving light of the sun. Imagine yourself surrounded in a warm cocoon of this energy. Sit there for as long as you wish.

Have you noticed that when you’re in an uncomfortable situation, you cross your arms? You’re subconsciously protecting your solar plexus. When you feel confident, you walk with your arms to your sides with your solar plexus exposed. If you find yourself crossing your arms, ask yourself why you feel uncomfortable.

Activities to bring the chakra into balance


Spinal Twist

Image from CosmicaMusic

Kneel down on a blanket and rest on your heels. Slide your buttocks to the left of your feet and rest on the ground. Then lift your right leg and cross it over your left knee to the other side. Shuffle around until you’re comfortable.

Then twist your body by bringing your right arm behind you resting it on the ground. Your left arm will rest on the outside knee of your left leg. Keep your back as straight as possible to ensure a good twist.

When you feel ready to release, breathe in, then exhale as you unwind. First bring your right arm around then follow the movement with your head and rest of body. Repeat the steps on the other side.

Besides Reiki healing and Theta healing to bring balance to the chakras, here are the stones and colors to use:

Crystal Healing

Look for yellow stones like amber or citrine. Place the stone over the solar plexus while you lie on your back and imagine the energy from the stone entering and balancing your body.

Essential Oils

Amber is the scent that brings the solar plexus into balance. Wear it whenever you feel you need healing. I even rub a little bit of the oil around the rim of a yellow candle during meditation since yellow is the color of this chakra. Look over my selection of essential oils and find amber.

Use these methods to bring balance to the third chakra!

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