.html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/.html"> Balance the Heart Chakra for More Love in Your Life | Spiritual Sexpert Heart Chakra : Spiritual Sexpert

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Do you feel enough love in your life?

Do you feel depressed or unhappy?

Are you a compassionate person?

If you answered: “Yes,” “No,” “Of course!” Things are looking good with your heart chakra! If your answers were more like: “Not really,” “Yes,” “Not so much.” There’s some work to be done.

Your heart chakra is where love and compassion are centered. It’s your fourth chakra and it bridges of all your other chakras.

Your three chakras below the heart are related to the Earth while the three above the heart are related to the spiritual world.

Awakening Compassion

A nice meditation to practice to feel compassion is to see the world through the heart. It’s very powerful and instantly lifts the spirit. Imagine your head doesn’t exist. Place your focus on your heart instead. I’ve done this meditation while I’ve been stuck in traffic and it’s amazing at how quickly my frustration disappears. It took me trying it a couple of times until I felt the difference.

Practice it tonight. Sit in a quiet place, close your eyes, and focus on your heart. Maybe you’ll feel a softening in your mood or possibly sadness leaving your body.

Then to end your meditation, send love and light to anybody or everybody you know. Send some loving light to the entire world! I thank you in advance if you decide to do this :)

Heal the Heart Chakra

The heart is probably one of the most wounded areas. (Other than toes. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve stubbed my toes!) Healing the heart chakra may be one of the top desires for most people. Depending on the situation or problem, you may be experiencing many levels of pain. It’s going to take these five things to heal the heart chakra:

  1. Time

    Healing takes time. There’s no definite timeline, of course, since everybody is different. The amount of work you put into it determines the results. You may have a few layers that need uncovering. You don’t know until you begin digging. Faster results are possible through hypnosis or theta healing.
  2. Forgiveness

    A lot of time we hold anger, resentment, fear, or guilt in our hearts. Forgiveness means letting go. Whether you’re holding resentment against yourself or another, it’s time to release it to begin healing.
  3. Awareness

    Healing requires you to look within and to become aware of your feelings and thoughts. What are you healing? Is it a recent death, break-up, or abuse? If you’re not quite sure where the pain is coming from, do a little meditation. Close your eyes and place your focus on your heart chakra. What thoughts arise? What feelings arise? You may discover things you had no idea existed.
  4. Acceptance

    Accept healing. Be open to receiving love and definitely be open to loving yourself! Many times people are used to being depressed and don’t know how to feel happiness. As a result, they don’t really work on making the change or they fear change. In order to heal the heart, you’re going to have to want to and accept the changes as they come.
  5. Love Yourself

    Sounds contradictory, right? It’s really not. Use mantras to affirm that you love yourself. Visualize healing loving light coming down from the universe and entering through your crown chakra. watch it fill up your heart chakra and feel the love. Ask the universe to know what it feels like to love yourself. Think of this analogy. How does a dark room get filled with light? It takes light entering the room in order to remove the darkness. That’s what you’re doing. You’re removing the darkness by adding love.

Kwan Yin

Kwan Yin is the Goddess of Love and Compassion. Meditate to her so she could help clear the way for healing and love to enter your life. Learn more about Kwan Yin and the meditation kit I made specifically for her. With the tools in the kit, expect better results during your meditation.

Heart Chakra

Let’s look over the stats of the fourth chakra:

  • Rose Quartz

    Rose Quartz or Emerald are fantastic stones to wear when dealing with matters of the heart. I wear rose quartz as a pendant, but wearing bracelets or simply carrying them in pouches near you is just as effective.
  • Rose Oil

    Wear Rose oil to bring balance to your heart chakra.
  • Pink or Green

    Notice a theme here? Pink and green are colors of the heart chakra. Wear these colors whenever you need to feel some love. Imagine yourself surrounded by a pink blanket. Feel yourself absorbing the energy.

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Solar Plexus

Sacral Chakra

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