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Kwan Yin

Filed Under Goddess Within 

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What is one of the most important things you can do for yourself?

Do you love yourself as much as you could? If not, Kwan Yin is the Goddess to call upon.

Just think of how well you treat the things or people you love. Do you love yourself and treat yourself as well, if not better?

Imagine what would happen if you bent over backwards and exerted yourself for your family, romantic relationships, kids, pets…etc., while neglecting your needs? You would eventually collapse and may even feel resentful.

Love yourself first and treat yourself the best you can because if you’re not taking the care of yourself, then who else will?

Answer these questions:

  1. I do something nice for myself everyday.
  2. I treat my body with the care it deserves.
  3. I listen to my body’s needs.
  4. I believe in myself.
  5. I have the confidence to accomplish whatever I want or desire.

How did you do? Doing something nice can be something as simple as eating a healthy meal, to wearing something that makes you feel sexy. Many women tend to do more for the ones they love than for themselves. It’s okay to say yes to yourself. Meditate, do yoga, do some self reflection. Use Kwan Yin’s Goddess Kit and set some time out for yourself.

Scroll below for information on the Kwan Yin Goddess Kit.

Kwan Yin

She is a compassionate, loving Goddess and I correlate her with the heart chakra. Use meditation to connect with her. Call on her when you’re in need of real love and compassion. Use your intuition to feel her and gather strength when you need it.

Kwan Yin is one of the most popular goddesses in Asia and one of the most widely worshipped goddesses on the planet, called by different names. She is said to have once been a human woman named Myoin, then was transformed and given her new name, Kwan Yin.

She was also called the goddess with a thousand eyes and thousand arms which embraces the Earth.

She’s most commonly seen as a beautiful woman with black hair carrying a vase or lotus flower.

Learn compassion and love from her.

Heart Chakra

Here lies your love and compassion. It’s stored in your heart chakra. When your heart chakra is out of balance, your emotions are erratic. You’ll either be a “yes” person or be the complete opposite and have no desire to help out another. Neither way is where you want to be.

You want to feel a healthy medium between doing good for yourself and doing good for others. Write a quick checklist. One column is for the nice things you do for yourself while the other is to jot down the things you do for your family, friends or spouse. Which list ranks higher?

Compassion Meditation

Do this fabulous meditation for generating feelings of compassion. Sit with eyes closed. Bring your attention to your heart chakra. Feel this area becoming bright with a beautiful loving pink glow. Then see this pink light spread out from your body then filling the room you’re in. Watch this light fill your street, then your city, then your state. See this light fill the country, then spreading all over the Earth. Sit here for a bit while feeling these loving feelings. Not only are you doing good for yourself, but you’re helping to spread feelings of peace and love to the Universe.

When you’re finished, watch the light come back into your heart.

Looking for love

If you’re looking for love, look no further than inside you. Every emotion you can possibly have is stored within you. Think about this. Why is it that one day your friend can say something to you that greatly offends you, but she may say the same thing another day and you shrug it off? Her words were the same. It’s you took offense to words.

So if you can create the emotion of anger, you can create the emotion of love. Why not work on always creating the latter?

Furthermore, when you’re feeling love inside you, you’ll attract it in the outer world. Like attracts like.

I prepare kits specially designed for each Goddess. You’ll find everything you need to really connect with the goddess of choice. In this Kwan Yin Goddess kit, you’ll receive:

  • White Votive Candle
    White is the color of Kwan Yin. Light this during your meditation.
  • Rose Quartz
    This stone correlates with the heart chakra. You may wear this stone regularly on a pendant so it’s near the heart chakra. I send you a cleansed Rose Quartz stone to wear during the meditation. It is still recommended you cleanse this stone when you get it home.
  • Amber Essential Oil to wear to connect to her. Also use it during the meditation by rubbing it along the rim of the candle.
  • Amber Incense
    Light Amber incense during your meditation. Incense is lit during a meditation to promote the air element. Kwan Yin is represented by this element which makes this combination perfect.
  • Mantra
    I designed a Kwan Yin mantra to repeat whenever you feel like you’re lacking love in your life. I also show you how to create your own mantras to take charge of your life.
  • Meditation
  • Finally, you’ll receive a Kwan Yin meditation.

The best way to put it together is by lighting the candle and incense. Hold the rose quartz in your right hand and follow the meditation. Use the mantra as often as you need. It’s a good idea to repeat the mantra three times after the meditation.

Get the Goddess Kit for only $23

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About the author


I'm a Reiki Practitioner, Advanced Theta Healer, and Sexual Empowerment Coach. I facilitate Goddess Parties and Sexual Empowerment Parties. If you have limiting beliefs surrounding your sexuality, contact me and we can work through them.


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