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Tantra Course and Secrets

Centuries ago spirituality and sexuality was inseparable. Sexual union was believed to connect a person to the divine. Tantric techniques teach us to experience elightenment and blissfullness during sexual intercourse. It’s possible to feel transcendence even without practicing tantra with a partner. It takes meditation, learning to feel and manipulate energy that builds from the root and sacral chakras.

One tantric technique to superconscious sex is to bring up the sexual energy from the root chakra to the third eye. This area is connected to the pituitary gland in the center of the brain. When this area becomes open, visions, altered states, and the sexual-spiritual experience occurs.

Sexual Empowerment

for women

Many women today aren’t sexually empowered. In fact, they may not know what it means to be empowered. They don’t see their bodies as beautiful and divine. Many may not experience orgasms and forgo their happiness and pleasure for their mate’s. Their partner is sexually pleased, while the woman is yearning for more.

The good news ladies, is it can be better! Empowerment in all areas of your life is important so you can enjoy a completely fulfilled life. Sexuality begins in the root and sacral chakras. If these are not balanced, it affects the other areas of your life.

Here are a few questions to think about about your level of sexual empowerment.

  1. Do you love your body?
  2. Do you feel your body is beautiful?
  3. Are you comfortable with self pleasure?
  4. Do you know how to bring yourself to achieve an orgasm?
  5. Do you think sex or self pleasure is sinful?
  6. Do you feel confident in different areas of your life including:career, love, intuition, spiritual connection, or manifesting your life?
  7. Do you find it hard to keep your emotions balanced or are you often jealous?

Self Empowerment

Those questions were designed for self reflection. Thoughout your entire life, you absorbed ideas and beliefs from others including your parents. Your parents may have stressed that sex or self pleasure is sinful. You carried these beliefs with you throughout your life. Some women rebel and have casual sex with various partners without really experiencing a fulfilling sexual-spiritual experience. I’m not saying casual encounters are negative. You must decide what is right for you. Other women have sex, but never allow themselves to enjoy it. They marry and still never experience an orgasm. These ideas sprout from limiting beliefs.

How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs

All of these beliefs, ideas, and situations you’ve encountered have added up and created who you are. Once you realize the root issues, you’re able to Theta Healing is one alternative for healing limiting beliefs. Affirmations and mantras are useful tools as well. In my Goddess Workshops we work towards eliminating beliefs and bringing out creative expression. To bring the sacral chakra to balance, use your creativity. Remember, a lot of the sexual issues begin here.

If you feel guilty having during self pleasure, trace back that belief and find out where it came from. Was it religion? Ideas from a parent? Get in touch with the Goddess within and you’ll see that you hold all the aspects of the Goddess within you, including sensuality.

Inner Goddess

Aphrodite is a beautiful, sensual, and powerful Goddess. She is related to the sacral chakra. Meditate to her, use visualization techniques, and use healing crystals to get in touch with her energy. I’ve included a handy Aphrodite Goddess Kit with tools you’ll need to get in touch with Aphrodite.

Sacred Feminine

You are a divine being and have all the tools necessary to be a completely powerful woman. It all begins with love!

Read more about The Goddess Within

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About the author


I'm a Reiki Practitioner, Advanced Theta Healer, and Sexual Empowerment Coach. I facilitate Goddess Parties and Sexual Empowerment Parties. If you have limiting beliefs surrounding your sexuality, contact me and we can work through them.


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