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We women like feeling sexy and sensual. We’re all passionate and sensual beings. It only takes us tapping into it and connecting with our inner Goddess!

The Aphrodite Goddess is of beauty, femininity, and pleasure. The Romans call her Venus. She is self-assured, passionate, and radiant. Release the Aphrodite energy in yourself and you’ll be the most sensual woman in town! Meditate to her as a form of a love spell.

Below I’ve included a Goddess kit for you to connect with Aphrodite. Scroll to the bottom to see what I’ve included.

The sacral chakra, located in the naval, is represented by Aphrodite. The sacral chakra deals with our emotions, creativity, and sexuality. Aphrodite goddess suits this chakra perfectly. Call on her to enhance your feelings of sensuality, creativity, and femininity. Combine your focus on the sacral chakra with an Aphrodite meditation for optimal effects.

How to Be Creative

Second Chakra

Your second chakra (sacral chakra) is the center for creativity. It’s your divine nature, but many times we lose touch with our creative expression. Take time to draw, paint, or write. Connect with Aphrodite by visualizing her and absorb her energy. Then allow your creative juices to flow. Any act of creation enchances your creativity.

Who is Aphrodite?

The ancient Greeks believed Aphrodite was born a plant that had never been seen on Earth. The Gods dropped nectar on the flower and roses were created. Smelling roses puts us in touch with our sweetness within. Her energy fuels the sensual enjoyment of life and increases the attraction to beautiful things.

She’s also known as the alchemical goddess. When we are in love, our world seems magical. We experience emotions we’ve never felt before. Since ancient times, people realized the sexual union between two people can bring them to transcendence. Working this energy in your body without a partner can also bring you to bliss.

Aphrodite Goddess also helps you get in touch with your creative energy. She has inspired many poets, painters, dancers, and writers, who see Aphrodite as the gateway to a powerful union with their creative energy. Our sensual energy and our creative energy are inextricably intertwined.

She is the affirmation of the love of beauty and the pleasure of the senses. Wherever she walked, animals and plants would become overwhelmed with the desire to couple and make love.

How to be Sensual

Sensuality is something that comes from within. It’s the way you feel about yourself and the way you feel inside your skin. Your body is a temple. Inside it holds sacred energy that’s capable of intense love and creativity. Aphrodite is an excellent Goddess to emulate when you want to bring out your femininity and passion. Cleopatra, the queen of ancient Egypt, is a good example of an Aphrodite archetype as well as Marilyn Monroe.

The Aphrodite women attracts men to her like bees to a flower. She carries herself in the most confident way. No matter her size, she knows deeply she’s a divine and beautiful being. A true Aphrodite woman recognizes her power within. Sexual empowerment is found when callling Aphrodite and releasing any negative beliefs you have surrounding your sexuality.


Wear rose to get in touch with the sensuality, beauty and your divine nature. The alluring scent of Rose is the scent of Aphrodite and wearing it brings out your femininity. Wear it when you’d like to accentuate your appeal and boost confidence. Use fragrance oil to burn in your bedroom.


Wear reds or greens when connecting with the Aphrodite Goddess. Gold is also a fitting color for Aphrodite.


Emerald or turquoise are great stones when connecting with Aphrodite.

How to be Sexy

Sexiness is inside of you. It’s the confidence, power, and beauty that inhabits you. One way to bring it out is to bathe in a tub of rose petals. Add a few drops of oil to enhance the experience. It also gives the skin a soft wonderful feeling.

Pretend to be the Aphrodite Goddess. How do you imagine her to be? Before you head out next time, allow her energy to become you. Now, you’re the empowered sensual woman. Walk around like you’re the Aphrodite woman.

Pamper yourself. Spend a day in a salon or spa. Get a massage, facial or herbal wrap. Create your own facial using natural products! Listen to soothing music.

Lightly stroke a feather along your arms. I teach sacred dance as a part of my Goddess Workshops. One part of the dance requires us to lightly touch our fingers along the opposite arm as we watch the fingers glide. Try it. It’s sure to make you feel sexy.

Don’t rush whatever you do. Rushing cuts off your sensuality.

Use your creativity to write down things you can do to get in touch with your Aphrodite Goddess.

Aphrodite Meditation

(a more comprehensive and complete meditation is found in the Aphrodite Goddess Kit) Use this as a love spell to attract love and feel loved.

Sit in a quiet place free of distractions. Ground yourself by imagining a cord attaching you to the center of the earth.

In your mind’s eye, picture the image of Aphrodite. What does she look like? What does she feel like? Take note of her characteristics.

Now allow all of that to become you. You are the Aphrodite Goddess! You are sensual, attractive, beautiful, powerful, and confident. You are full of femininity and wisdom.

Close off the meditation and hold those feelings as long as you can. When you feel that confidence escaping you, remember this meditation.

Aphrodite Goddess Kit

How best to get in touch with the Aphrodite energy than to have all your items together in one package! I make each goddess kit personalized for Her energy.

In your kit you’ll receive:

  • Rose Essential Oil to wear whenever you want to feel more sensual. You may also rub some oil around the candle during your meditation.
  • Turquoise to hold in your hand as you meditate. Not only is it Aphrodite’s stone, but it’s one of the oldest stones used for protection. Before I ship the package out to you, I cleanse the stone using Sage. It’s still recommended you cleanse it yourself before charging it. This is all explained in the Aphrodite Goddess Kit.
  • Jasmine incense to enhance the feelings of love.
  • Aphrodite Mantra to repeat as often as necessary. I’ll include a suggested Aphrodite Mantra, but show you to create your own.
  • Energy charged red votive candle personally charged especially to bring out your loving, sensual nature. Red is Aphrodite’s color.
  • Aphrodite Meditation to waken your sensuality and Goddess power. The meditation takes you through the steps of grounding, visualizing, and getting in touch with the Goddess energy.

The best way to put it all together is to shower and put Rose oil on your neck. You may decide to take a bath in rose petals instead of a shower. Then light your energy charged candle and light the incense. Hold the Turquoise in your hands then begin the meditation. You’ll be taken on a journey to your inner beauty and sensuality. You’ll feel like a renewed woman!

Get this entire kit for $23

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Kwan Yin

Goddess Gaia

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I'm a Reiki Practitioner, Advanced Theta Healer, and Sexual Empowerment Coach. I facilitate Goddess Parties and Sexual Empowerment Parties. If you have limiting beliefs surrounding your sexuality, contact me and we can work through them.


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