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Filed Under Goddess Within 

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Do you have body confidence or a high level of personal power? Are you manifesting abundance and other things you desire? If not, Sekhmet is the Goddess to call upon! I create Goddess kits so you can connect with Her energy. Scroll to the bottom of this page to see what’s included in this one.

Sekhmet is an Egyptian goddess depicted as having a beautiful body and head of a lion. Her name means “the powerful one.”

One myth tells the story of how she almost destroyed all of humanity. The Gods were unhappy with the chaos the humans were creating, especially when the humans began plotting against the Gods. It was now time for the humans to be punished.

Sekhmet was called and she slaughtered many humans and drank their blood. She was so powerful the Gods couldn’t stop her. They managed to quell her by tricking her into drinking red-dyed beer they spilled over the lands. She became so drunk her fury was over.

Personal Power

Personal power is important because it gives you the self confidence you need to take charge of your life. Call on Sekhmet if you want spiritual, political, work, or sexual power.

Do you have a voice in your relationships? Are you invisible in your workplace? Do you have sexual empowerment? You may feel more confident in some areas than others. Think of Oprah. She’s all over the news because she’s back weighing 200lbs. She has a lot of social and political power, but she lacks control over her body.

Think about the area in your life which you could use a boost of power. Why are you lacking confidence? What are your fears? What’s holding you back from achieving success?

Then do a little digging. This is a method I use during Theta Healing to get to the root of a problem. Here is an example I’ll use when dealing with work related concerns. Ask yourself this question, “What is the worst thing that would happen if I spoke up in my work?” Then answer it.

Let’ say you answered, “My angry boss would insult me or undermine what I say.”

Then ask yourself, “What is the worst thing that would happen if my boss insults me?” Then answer that question. Continue digging until you get to the real root of the problem. Maybe you’ll discover that you don’t feel worthy or important.

To continue with this example, let’s say you did discover you feel unimportant. Time to erase that limiting belief. Sekhmet has the power of a lioness and because you have the energies of the Goddess inside you, you too have the power of a lioness.

How do you imagine a powerful and confident woman to behave? How do you imagine the powerful Goddess Sekhmet to be? Emulate her. It’s just like the adage, fake it until you make it. That’s what you’ve got to do.

Body Confidence

How do you feel about your body? Do you eat well and exercise regularly? Do you honor and appreciate your body? Do you love your body? The last one is key! If you love yourself you’ll treat yourself well. Think about how you treat the one you love. Hopefully you treat that person well. It’s too bad that many people treat others better than they treat themselves! Starting today, do something good for yourself. Paint your toes. Meditate. Eat a well-balanced mean. Go for a walk. Paint something!

Solar Plexus

All the chakras are important when it comes to taking full control of your body. Sekhmet is tied to the solar plexus because this energy center is tied to your level of confidence and power.

Balance this chakra by using a visualization meditation. Imagine the energy of the earth coming up through the bottom of your feet into you root chakra, which is located at the base of the spine. Then watch it travel up your sacral chakra, to your solar plexus, which is located in your belly center. Then imagine the clean Earth energy cleansing this chakra. See negative energy releasing and leaving your body until you feel a brilliant yellow glow.

Manifesting Abundance

A powerful woman doesn’t doubt her abilities. She knows she can have what she desires. If you want to manifest abundance, believe you can, have the confidence to take the first steps and follow through. I may sound like a catch-22, but it’s really not.

Right now, think of something you want. Write down the steps it would take to accomplish. Now, do step one. Then do step two and so on. Whenever a glimmer of doubt enters your head, stop it! Then continue with the positive thoughts. It takes practice, but worth the effort. Before you know it, you’ll accomplish all the steps. With each step crossed off your list is an extra notch of confidence.

Sekhmet Goddess Kit

Each goddess has different scents, stones, and colors that are best when connecting with Her.

  • Frankincense
    This is her scent. In the Goddess Kit, I’ve included frankincense incense to light during your meditation. Incense has always been used during spells and rituals. It adds more power to the ritual or meditation because you’re using the air element. As the scent of frankincense surrounds you, feel Sekhmet’s power filling you.
  • Bloodstone
    Hold this stone in your hand or place it on your altar as you meditate. Bloodstone is the symbol of justice and the Greeks believed it brought change. It’s no wonder this is her stone! Today is the day you’re making a change for the better!
  • Frankincense Essential Oil to wear whenever you want to connect with her. Use it also during your meditation by rubbing some oil along the rim of the candle.
  • Sekhmet Mantra
    I’ve included a mantra to repeat to replace any negative self doubt with a positive image of yourself. I also give you suggestions for creating mantras for different areas of your life.
  • Energy Charged Red Votive Candle
    Light this candle as you go through your Sekhmet meditation. Red and gold is the color of Sekhmet.
  • Sekhmet Meditation
    I specially designed a meditation for you to connect with her energy and feel her power within you.

The best way to put this all together is to light the incense, candle, hold the bloodstone in your hand and follow the meditation. When you’ve completed the meditation, you may repeat the mantra three times. Put this mantra on your mirror where you can remember to repeat it daily. It’s believed it takes 21 days to make a complete change.

Get this entire Goddess Kit for $23

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About the author


I'm a Reiki Practitioner, Advanced Theta Healer, and Sexual Empowerment Coach. I facilitate Goddess Parties and Sexual Empowerment Parties. If you have limiting beliefs surrounding your sexuality, contact me and we can work through them.


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