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Ready to manifest your desires? Do you know what you want in your life, but don’t know how to get it? Manifestation journals are all the rage and countless people are using them to attract their desires into their lives. Have you got yours?

Yes you do!

Your Free Manifestation Journal

You already have your personal journal. I’ll explain…We know the law of attraction works. We also know that writing down your goals helps them manifest. Visualizations are powerful and the stronger the emotions behind your desires, the more powerful your visualizations become and the higher the chances of it coming true. I’ve usually had trouble creating strong feelings out of no where which made manifesting a bit of a challenge at times, but with this method, I’ve found a solution.

We also are aware that meditative states or times of deep relaxation are prime times when visualizing what you want to manifest. How does all this tie in together? Well, I like efficiency and shortcuts. Here’s your shortcut to manifestation your desires.

Using methods from Theta Healing you have all the tools you need to manifest whatever you want in your life.

Practice this meditation before you fall asleep or early in the morning. I prefer to do this before I fall asleep. The reason is because your brain waves are slowest. It’s proven that when your brain waves are slowest, you tap into your subconscious mind more easily.

Step 1: Imagine yourself traveling up above the universe. Keep going higher and higher until you reach the creative universal energy. You’ll see yourself surrounded by white light. Tip: Keep traveling higher until you begin to feel very relaxed. Then you’ll know your brain waves have lowered.

Step 2: While surrounded by the white light, you’ll see a book. It’s whatever color you chose. You’ll notice on the cover in bold letters it reads Manifestation Journal. This journal is your direct Wish List to the Universe. It’s your personal sacred journal. You’ll notice that half the book is already written in. That’s because these are all the things you’ve already accomplished and are grateful for. Don’t worry about running out of paper because this magical book will create endless pages.

Step 3: Open the journal to a blank page and write down your desires. (A pen magically appears in your hand.) Write them down as if you already have them and are grateful. For example, “I’m grateful for my perfect health.” “I’m grateful for my booming business.” You’ll notice feelings of excitement immediately take over as you write in your Journal In The Sky. Tip: Don’t rush your writing. Make sure you see every word as you write. Be fully in the moment. If you do this haphazardly, you won’t generate the feelings you need. Also, by paying attention to what you’re doing you’ll really believe what you’re writing is true.

Step 4: When you’re done, close the book, thank the Universe, then come back down into your body.

Do this as often as you’d like, but the more you do it, the better the results. Also, trust that it’s on its way.

I want to hear how your new Free Manifestation Journal worked for you. Leave a comment and share your stories large or small. Happy Manifesting!

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Sexuality and Spirituality

Increase Wealth with Goddess Lakshmi

Raise intuition with Goddess Isis

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Find the goddess below and the area of your life you need a boost.

Congratulations to Cami Islas!

Thanks to everyone who joined the contest. Cami, you’ve been sent an email about your win and should be getting your prize in about a week!

In celebration of the opening of Spiritual Sexpert, (which I’m super excited about) and to continue with the season of giving, I’m holding a contest! Think of it as my coming out party.

The winner gets a Spiritual Sexpert Tote Bag, because you can never have too many bags, and tote bags are very green. I added the sassy tagline that reads: “I know Aphrodite’s Secret…Do you?”

The contest begins today and ends Sunday, January 17th. The winner will be chosen by random and be notified by email. See the cute bag below? Click on it to enlarge.

Spiritual Sexpert Tote

If you want to join the contest, this is all you have to do…


Date: Starting today and ending Sunday, January 17th.

Prize: Spiritual Sexpert Tote Bag

Criteria: All steps must be properly filled out below.

Step 1: Be an active subscriber to my Newsletter-1 point

Step 2: Follow me on Twitter (http://twitter.com/SpiritSexpert) then Twitter a link back to this contest -1 point

Step 3: Comment below and give a quick blurb on your most favorite and effective relaxation technique. (While we’re at it, let’s help each other out!) You get a DO follow back link to your blog. -1 point (The comment box automatically finds your last post.)

Bonus Step 4 (first 3 steps must be completed to qualify for this step): Write a blog on your site and link back to this contest -3 points

There you have it! I look forward to announcing the winner. Good luck!

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Are you experiencing money problems or a lack of motivation?

The root chakra is tied to our survival instincts and connection to the Earth. It’s located at the base of the spine and is red. Each chakra spins at a different rate and the first chakra spins the slowest. The kundalini energy is coiled in your root chakra also.

Characteristics of the first chakra

Your desire to live relates to the first chakra. Because it’s tied to our survival instincts, a feeling of lack means you may experiencing an imbalanced root chakra. Being afraid you won’t make rent in time or have enough food to eat are signs of an imbalanced chakra. Of course if this is a reality, then you may have limiting beliefs which are keeping you from living an abundant life. In Wayne Dyer’s book, Inspiration, he says he’s financially well off because he always knew he’d be wealthy. He says he is money.

It’s important to keep the root chakra balanced because it’s the “roots” of the rest of the chakras. Like the roots of a tree, they must be strong in order to sustain the rest of the tree. Create a strong base and the rest will follow. Your hips, legs, feet, circulatory, skeletal, kidneys, and muscular system are tied to your root chakra.

Root Chakra Stats

  • The root chakra is red
  • It vibrates at the lowest rate
  • It’s located at the base of the spine
  • To ground, imagine a cord connecting from the root chakra to the center of the earth
  • The scent associated with this chakra is musk and wearing it will energize this chakra. Look over my selection of essential oils.
  • Red and black stones balance this chakra
  • Seat of passion
  • Goddess Gaia is tied to the root chakra. Doing a meditation with her will be useful for energizing your root chakra.

  • Is Your Root Chakra Healthy?

    Here’s a small questionnaire to answer related to your root chakra:

    1. Do you dislike your feet and legs?
    2. Are you experiencing pain in the hips, lower back, legs or feet?
    3. Do you feel strongly about the color red whether it’s one of your least favorite or most favorite colors?
    4. Are you passionate?
    5. If you get angry, is your first reaction rage or aggression?
    6. Do you get angry easily?
    7. Do you often feel a loss of energy or inertia?
    8. Are money issues a concern?
    9. Have you experienced feelings of powerlessness or fear?

    If you answered yes to a majority of the questions, your root chakra is in need of healing.

    Energize the Root Chakra

    Drumming, dancing, and jogging help to balance this chakra. Dances that require you to stomp your feet on the ground work well for this chakra. Think of tribal type dancing. Belly dancing is also great to energize all the chakras. During my goddess workshops, I get the women doing a fun sacred dance that’s specifically for opening the root chakra. This dance requires you to do a lot of squatting with slow movements.

    Eat foods hight in protein or take mineral supplements. Because your root chakra is your grounding center, if you’re ungrounded you may feel “spacey.” Of course you should always eat a balanced diet so don’t overdo it on the protein.

    Release energies from your first chakra by writing down your emotions on a piece of paper and symbolically burn it away.

    Yoga Pose for First Chakra

    The Warrior pose is great for stabalizing your root chakra:

    1. Stand with legs apart to create a triangle of equal sides with the ground. Standing in this pose alone generates a lot of heat. You’ll be surprised. Make sure to keep breathing normally.
    2. Stretch your arms out to the sides and turn your left foot outwards. Exhale as you bend your left knee while keeping the right leg straight. When you reach a position where you could be sitting on an imaginary chair, stop.
    3. Hold this pose for three counts. Come back to center. Then repeat on the right side.

Crystal Healing

Crystals are very effective for cleansing and balancing the chakras. For your root chakra, you want to use red or black stones. Some of these include- red jasper, garnet, hematite, or black tourmaline.

Carry them in your pocket because that’s near your root chakra. Place them under your pillow at night. Make sure to cleanse the stones when you bring them home. Use sage or incence and cleanse them with the smoke. You can also bury them in the Earth for a few days. When they’re cleansed, charge them with your energy. Hold them in your right hand and set your intention into the stone.

Root Chakra Meditation

Imagine your root chakra is connected to the center of the earth. Then visualize healing energy coming up from the Earth into your root chakra. Then see your first chakra filling with brilliant red light and expelling all the negative energy out of your body. Then draw up a surge of energy and watch it pass through your body out of your crown chakra into a fountain of a colorful rainbow.

You may also place the stone of your choice on your root chakra as you lay on your back. Then visualize your body absorbing the energies from the stone.

Enjoy these articles

Goddess Aphrodite

Sexuality and Spirituality

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Tantra Course and Secrets

Centuries ago spirituality and sexuality was inseparable. Sexual union was believed to connect a person to the divine. Tantric techniques teach us to experience elightenment and blissfullness during sexual intercourse. It’s possible to feel transcendence even without practicing tantra with a partner. It takes meditation, learning to feel and manipulate energy that builds from the root and sacral chakras.

One tantric technique to superconscious sex is to bring up the sexual energy from the root chakra to the third eye. This area is connected to the pituitary gland in the center of the brain. When this area becomes open, visions, altered states, and the sexual-spiritual experience occurs.

Sexual Empowerment

for women

Many women today aren’t sexually empowered. In fact, they may not know what it means to be empowered. They don’t see their bodies as beautiful and divine. Many may not experience orgasms and forgo their happiness and pleasure for their mate’s. Their partner is sexually pleased, while the woman is yearning for more.

The good news ladies, is it can be better! Empowerment in all areas of your life is important so you can enjoy a completely fulfilled life. Sexuality begins in the root and sacral chakras. If these are not balanced, it affects the other areas of your life.

Here are a few questions to think about about your level of sexual empowerment.

  1. Do you love your body?
  2. Do you feel your body is beautiful?
  3. Are you comfortable with self pleasure?
  4. Do you know how to bring yourself to achieve an orgasm?
  5. Do you think sex or self pleasure is sinful?
  6. Do you feel confident in different areas of your life including:career, love, intuition, spiritual connection, or manifesting your life?
  7. Do you find it hard to keep your emotions balanced or are you often jealous?

Self Empowerment

Those questions were designed for self reflection. Thoughout your entire life, you absorbed ideas and beliefs from others including your parents. Your parents may have stressed that sex or self pleasure is sinful. You carried these beliefs with you throughout your life. Some women rebel and have casual sex with various partners without really experiencing a fulfilling sexual-spiritual experience. I’m not saying casual encounters are negative. You must decide what is right for you. Other women have sex, but never allow themselves to enjoy it. They marry and still never experience an orgasm. These ideas sprout from limiting beliefs.

How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs

All of these beliefs, ideas, and situations you’ve encountered have added up and created who you are. Once you realize the root issues, you’re able to Theta Healing is one alternative for healing limiting beliefs. Affirmations and mantras are useful tools as well. In my Goddess Workshops we work towards eliminating beliefs and bringing out creative expression. To bring the sacral chakra to balance, use your creativity. Remember, a lot of the sexual issues begin here.

If you feel guilty having during self pleasure, trace back that belief and find out where it came from. Was it religion? Ideas from a parent? Get in touch with the Goddess within and you’ll see that you hold all the aspects of the Goddess within you, including sensuality.

Inner Goddess

Aphrodite is a beautiful, sensual, and powerful Goddess. She is related to the sacral chakra. Meditate to her, use visualization techniques, and use healing crystals to get in touch with her energy. I’ve included a handy Aphrodite Goddess Kit with tools you’ll need to get in touch with Aphrodite.

Sacred Feminine

You are a divine being and have all the tools necessary to be a completely powerful woman. It all begins with love!

Read more about The Goddess Within

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Imagine if you had all the prosperity you could ask for! Good health, material prosperity, an abundance of friends and family, and spiritual prosperity. Life would be pretty good, right?

There’s a reason Goddess Lakshmi is one of the most popular and revered goddesses of Hinduism. She is the goddess of prosperity! She’s depicted as sitting on a lotus flower as she blesses you with your joyous and abundant life.

Merchants in India often keep a small statue of her near their cash registers to bring them financial wealth. She is often connected with God Ganesh, the elephant-headed Hindu god, which removes obstacles from your path.

She can remove your sorrows and bestow enjoyment, liberation, and prosperity into your life. So what are you waiting for? Connect with Goddess Lakshmi!

I create specialty goddess kits designed for you to connect with the goddess of your choice. Each kit is unique because it uses fragrances, colors, and meditations specific for the goddess to give you the best results. Scroll to the bottom of this page to see what’s inside this one.

Manifesting Abundance

If there’s one secret you should know, it’s that the world is abundant and you can have what you desire. Just look at the successful people in this world. What makes them so special? Why are they so different? The only difference is they know how to tap into their creative energy and accept what the universe offers them.

Do you know how to tap into the abundant creative energy? For a little guidance and blessing, call on Goddess Lakshmi. Think about what it is you want. Imagine yourself living a comfortable life with everything you need. You have the nice car, beautiful house, full bank account, and all the nice things you want. How does it feel? Allow yourself to feel the emotions you would have if you had everything you wanted. Then ask Goddess Lakshmi to bless it and make that image a reality.

Another tips for manifesting abundance is to pretend you already have what it is you want. Trick your mind into believing you have it all, then allow the universe to bring it into your reality.

Crown Chakra

Your crown chakra is your spiritual connection. It’s at the top of your head and glows white. When you keep your crown chakra connected straight up to the universal life force, your intuition is heightened and you’ll see faster results when manifesting. The symbol of the crown chakra is also a lotus flower, which is what Goddess Lakshmi is seen sitting ontop. See the connection?

What does your connection to the Universe have to do with prosperity? The creative universe is where abundance comes from. It’s there for the taking. So the closer you are to it, the stronger the results. Think about this. Wouldn’t you rather be best friends with the most generous person on earth rather than the most stingy? So make friends with the Universe!

Lakshmi Goddess Kit

I prepare kits specially designed for each Goddess. You’ll find everything you need to really connect with the goddess of choice. In this Goddess Lakshmi kit, you’ll receive:

  • White Votive Candle
    White is the color of the crown chakra and you should light this during your meditation.
  • Clear Quartz
    Clear quartz is tied to your crown chakra. You may keep this stone with you always in a pouch or as a pendant. You may find the stone ready made for a pendant, or perhaps a necklace pouch to place it in. I send you a cleansed quartz stone to wear during the meditation. It is still recommended you cleanse this stone when you get it home.
  • Lotus Essential Oil. Wear it to connect with her and rub some along the candle during your meditation.
  • Sandalwood Incense
    Light sandalwood incense during your meditation.
  • Mantra
    I designed a Goddess Lakshmi mantra to repeat whenever you feel like you’re lacking love in your life. I also show you how to create your own mantras to take charge of your life.
  • Meditation
  • Finally, you’ll receive a Lakshmi meditation.

    The best way to put it together is by lighting the candle and incense. Hold the quartz in your right hand and follow the meditation. Use the mantra as often as you need. It’s a good idea to repeat the mantra three times after the meditation.

    Get the Goddess Kit for only $23

Kwan Yin

Goddess Athena

Goddess Isis

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